and clothe him with His own Spirit, which I have no
doubt concerning, as the Lord is more ready to shew
mercy than we are to accept it. I have faith to believe
God will convert this man, and my desire is, that I may
never forget his situation, till he is a changed, renewed
creature, to glorify King Jesus, who shall reign over the
Heritage of the heathen, and Rule them with His Righte-
ous Sceptre to endless Ages. I took my leave of this part
of the Indians, called the Pagan party: and had the plea-
sure of seeing them well satisfied with my labour of love,
which I am thankful for; knowing my God will give
His Blessing thereunto, as well as cause them to hear
with the utmost attention, all paying respect unto my
ministration, by their act of friendship, in smoking their
pipes till I had finished, which as it is their distinguish-
able mark of approbation to testify their love, I can, in as
much charity receive it, as any other custom or form
among the professing Christians; whereby they manifest
their sincerity or gratitude: for I am fully convinced
that our God looks beyond all forms, customs, and appear-
ances outwardly; and regardeth the motives which in-
fluence man, whether they are good or bad; therefore the
heathens, He will judge as such, and the Christians after
their profession; yet, know, O man! no act of mercy,
love, or obedience to His Spirit, which is in every one ac-
cording to their mental ability, shall go unnoticed by the
Father of all Nations, whose prerogative alone it is to
weigh all thoughts, words, or actions; seeing all hearts,
and knowing all things from Eternity to Eternity.
After I went to my lodgings, I set off three miles, to
attend an appointment,
which I had engaged for five this
evening; and I am thankful I can say, my
Great Master
that He was made a Mock King for our sakes, although
was His Throne, and Earth His Footstool. His
submitting to have His Back
scourged by Pilate, who made
long furrows thereon, affected me so much, that
I could