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Beyond Penn's Treaty

Some Account of Rachel Coope (Journal B)

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we will saw them for one half

Brothers these advantages which
we now proposed unto you, are intend
ed to encourage you to pursue habits
of Industry and Sobriety. We wish you
to keep your Minds strong to pursue this
path, then we think your Substance will
increase, and the great Spirit will
help your Labours.

Brothers we don’t want to tire your
Ears with many words, but it affords us much
Satisfaction to see your Industry this Spring,
in enclosing so many fields to plant corn
&c in, and that you continue your good
resolution against the use of Spirits
and Liquours. We repeat it again, be
strong in your Minds against this great
Enemy, and never let him rise up a
gain. We have all united our Minds
together in this Speech, and shall de
liver you a Copy of it, in order that
your memories may be kept bright.

I have felt satisfaction in being
with the Indians today, and Jacob Tay

says he has felt as much peace in