which were as follows
Brothers attend
You know we have
often talked to you about opening a good Road
from this Town to Tunasapah in or
der to make it more easy for
People to come to Mill. If you will
join together and
open this Road, we
have concluded to give you 7000
feet of
Boards. This will enable you
to finish your Houses, to have
warm against next winter.
Brothers, you know we began to
grind for you about the time you
were making sugar last spring, we
will continue to grind for you
next season for sugar making, with
out taking toll which
will make
one year. And if any of you want
boards we will sell
them to you
for four shillings but we don’t
intend to trust
any, because we want
to keep the Chain of frendship bright,
and if you Want any of your own logs
sawed into boards, or
Scantling, if you
will cut and haul the logs to the Mill