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Beyond Penn's Treaty

Some Account of Rachel Coope (Journal B)

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Day at present. After a considerable
time of conference among themselves
the following is the substance of a speech
delivered by one of the Chiefs.

Brothers Deweista, meaning Quakers

We return thanks to the great
Spirit to see you all well, and that the
great Spirit has preserved your Wo
men on so long a Journey, and that
they are arrived safe in our country, &
we are much pleased they are going to
stay amongst us to instruct our Wo
men. We return thanks to the great
Spirit that he has put this into your
Hearts. We wish you therefore to
make your Minds easy.

They also
seemed pleased with Hollidays

tle, but that they were at a loss for
an answer, as two of the heads
of the Women were not there. After
sitting near three hours in
Council, exceed ing ly Warm and Close,
we were dismissed, the Indians conti
nuing their conference two horus longer
on the business the young men laid before them
and appeared much pleased with their proposals