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Beyond Penn's Treaty

Some Account of Rachel Coope (Journal A)

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stage of life, Brother continuing with us
to Wm. Truman's

11m, where we lodged.
my dear husband and B took their repose
in the waggon, Cousin and I more comfort
ably accommodated with a good bed, I soon
soon fell asleep, near 3 Oclock awakinged
the recollection of the parting season
presented and no focibly revived that tears
flowed from my eyes, & sleep departed. --
Thou O my God has at seasons been
pleased in thy unmerited goodness to
make bare thy arm, and in times of trial
afford sweet consolation, as patience
was abode in, under a humble sense
Thereof may I a little intercede for a
renewed continuation of thy love.

21st. 3rd day .

A fine morning, after a
smart shower, taking tooking breakfast parted
with our brother, and set of ab. 6, went
11m to the rising sun tavern, fed our horses
& took some refreshment in the waggon,
then pursuing on travelled 8m & stoped
at Wm Brinton

door him nor
wife not at home, we were willing
to go on. but the daughter and gran
grandmother insisted on our our going in,
& an excellent dish of coffee was soon
prepared, which was grateful to the pa-
late, then proceeding on, got to our