No. 7
held in common, with the restriction that
now shall cut off the timber for
There are many good farms on this reservation,
some men have
upwards of 50 acres in fall
wheat; 20 in spring wheat, besides Oats, corn
and potatoes with other vegetables.
There is in the reservation 200 acres of meadow,
and some of their farms
number 200 acres
but the average is thought would be about
40 acres;
They own about 60 Ploughs, and
have many Orchards of grafted fruits, the
work of natives; There are about 300
who are divided into families of
50 each,
living in log houses except 10 who have frame
and one has a
store house of considerable
size. 14 frame barms a meeting and
house, all the work of the natives;
They have about 22 wagons, 150 horses
including ponies, 100 milck cows, and
less than 250 neat cattle, 200 sheep and
500 hogs; As husbandmen
this tribe must
be considered in a triving condition.
They have about 100 children of suita-
ble ages to attend school, and a day
school is taught by a female with an
average of 50 children of both
The Presbyterians
for 50 years, commenced with them in a wild
state and have now about 60 church members
and no Pagan party; several of the middle
aged men have education sufficient for com-
mon purposes, but very few of the women
can read and not one write; as housekeepers
they are behing the other tribes, owing to their devoting