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Beyond Penn's Treaty

Committee on Indian Concerns Scrapbook

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individuals among them to ascertain more fully their
situation and necessities; and would propose that our
Yearly Meeting

should unite with New York in endeavouring
to effect this object; and that the money raised last
year should be thus appropriated should it be required.

On behalf of the Committee
Samuel Boyd Tobey ClerkNewport 6mo 18th 1840 At our Yearly meeting of Friends for New England
held on Rhode Island in the 6th Mo 1840.

The Committee on the concern of the Indians located
west of the Mississippi made a report, which with the
interesting document from New York therein referred to
was read. The subject as thus presented claimed
the renewed sympathy of Friends--and Rowland Greene

and others were appointed a Committee to correspond
as occasion may require with similar Committees of
other Yearly Meetings; and were authorized to unite
with the Committee of New York Yearly Meeting in employing
should way open for it, one or more suitably qualified persons
to visit the Indians in their present locations, in order to
ascertain more fully their situation and necessities, as
proposed in the report already laid before us, and
with liberty to appropriate to this object, the money
raised last year [say $714.--] for the benefit of this
concern, should it be required.

From the Minutes of said Meeting
Abraham Shearman Jun Clerk At a meeting of the Committee on the Indian Concerns
of New England Yearly Meeting held at Providence
the 7th of 8th month 1840.

The important concern of finding some suitable
friend of friends to visit the Indians in their present
locations west of the Mississippi

was again brought before
us and received our solid consideration--but as
individual precounted at this time who felt it to be
his duty to undertake this service.

Extracted from the Minutes of said Com.

Samuel Boyd Tobey Clerk
To Mahlon Day Clerk of the Committee of New York
Yearly Meeting on the Indian Concern