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Beyond Penn's Treaty

Committee on Indian Concerns Scrapbook

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New England Yearly Meeting's response to proposition of New York
to send qualified persons west of Mississippi to
inquire fully into situation of Indians, &c.

Providence 8 Mo. 10th. 1840 Dear Friend Mahlon Day

I am directed by the Committee
of our Yearly Meeting

on the concern of the Indians located west of the Mississippi to inform the Committee of your Yearly
Meeting on this concern that the Extracts from the Minutes
of your Yearly Meeting and of your Committee relation
thereto were duly laid before us by the Friends appointed
by you to confer with us upon the subject who acceptably
met with us at the time of holding our late Yearly
Meeting--and for your information I subjoin the
Report of our Committee and an Extract from the
Minutes of the Yearly Meeting and of the Committee on
this concern.

To New England Yearly Meeting

The Committee continued under appointment last
year to correspond with similar Committees of other
Yearly Meetings on the concern of the Indians located
west of the Mississippi--report--that we have corresponded
with the Committees of New York, Baltimore and Indiana
Yearly Meetings
, but that way has not yet opened to
proceed in carrying into effect the concern of New York
Yearly Meeting
as communicated to us and united with
last year. An interesting document from that meeting
we herewith present. From the Committee of Indiana
Yearly Meeting we have received a request to unite with
them in their care over the Shawnee Tribe of Natives; but
it does not appear to us that this would fully embrace
the concern of this Meeting; which we understand to be,
to promote in any way that we may be able, the welfare
of the vast numbers west of the Mississippi, towards whom
our Society have not heretofore extended any particular
attention. And we are united in judgement that it is
desirable to send one or more suitably qualified