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Beyond Penn's Treaty

Committee on Indian Concerns Scrapbook

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Submitted at Ohio Yearly Meeting, held at Mt. Pleasant, on 7th of 9th mo. 1837.

The Committee on Indian Concerns report, that, at their
concluding sitting, at the time of our last Yearly Meeting,
they appointed a committee to attend and sit with the Com-
mittee of Indians, at the time of their approaching Yearly
Meeting; and by a copy of the minutes of that Committee,
and the report of our friends who attended, it appears that
the Committees of the several Yearly Meetings are harmo-
niously united in the prosecution of the benevolent object.
An interesting account of the proceedings of the Committee
of Indiana

since last year, has been lately received--and in
order that the most material parts of their communication
may be spread before the Yearly Meeting, the following
extracts are made from it, viz.

Early in the spring of the present year, we received an
account of the donation of Dr. Unthank

having been receiv-
ed by our Agent in Cincinnati, and on the receipt of which
information, we immediately proceed to purchase house-
hold and kitchen furniture, farming utensils, a quantity of
provisions, &c. in order to enable us to carry into execution
the plan of operations agreed upon. We also employed a
family, Moses Pearson and wife, Friends, as Superintend-
ents, and employed a young woman (a Friend) to assist in
the family. By the report of a deputation who recently
visisted the Indians, you will observe that a young man (a
Friend) has been employed as a Teacher for a time: and
we have a Committee appointed to employ another teacher
to be in readiness to take his place, when the time for which
he has engaged shall have expired. Our deputation to visit
the Indians, made the following report, together with a letter
received form our Superintendent since their return. The
Report is as follows, viz. We have attended to the appoint-
ment, and agree to report, that on arriving at the intended
establishment, we found that Moses Pearson and family had
been there about five days, were all well, but in an uncom-
fortable situation in consequence of the house not being
, and the goods that had been shipped not having
then come to hand. The Superintendent had purchased about
five acres of corn, and theg were busily engaged in working
amongst it. We engaged Elias Newby (a Friend) as
Teacher, &c. for the term of four months, at twenty four
dollars per month--and if his relations approved of his re-
maining until next Spring, he was to stay and receive twen-
ty dollars per month. Owing to the situation of the house
and family, we thought it best not to convene the Indians
in council there; but we had an interview with them at
their Council House, in presence of the Agent, who had a
considerable number of them collected on business. They
appeared much pleased with the opportunity of meeting
with us; they generally looked well, spoke highly of their
country, and from what we could learn from seeing many
of their farms, and the information received otherwise, we
conclude that they are in a much better way of living than
they were in Ohio. They appeared much more sensible
of the advantages of civilization, and many of them mani-
fest a disposition to excel their neighbors in agriculture.--
On conferring with them respecting a school, they appeared
to be much pleased, and said they would furnish as many
children as we wanted, when the house and teacher were
ready to receive them.

There are two missionaries amongst them--a Methodist

and a Baptist.

It might probably be interesting to the committee, to be
informed of the cause of the Indians being convened by the
agent; which was, to lay before them a proposition from
the Government

, the substance of which was, that govern-
ment was willing, with their approbation, to lay off a large
tract of country sufficient to contain a number of Nations
of Indians, and to give them a warrantee deed for the same,
(describing the boundaries)--that said tract of country
should be known by the title of Indians' Country--that no
white man should have any right within the said bounda-
ries, except his business was sanctioned be government--
that the Indians should have the privilege of making their own
laws (recommending some laws which it was thought best
for them to enact)--that government would be at the ex-
pense of building them a good substantial council house--
that each nation should send one or more of their number,
yearly, to said house, there to confer on such subjects as they
may be interested in--that they should annually elect one of
their number to congress, there to remain during the ses-
sion, to represent the whole of the nations residing in their
country--that government would pay all expenses in going
to, while remaining at, and returning from, the seat of gov-
ernment. The Agent informed us the proposition had
been submitted to several nations, and that they had agreed
to them without hesitation, although the Shawnese did not
accede to the propositions at that time, but set a time when
they would give him an answer.

On our parting with John Perry

, the head chief, he spoke
as follows, viz.: When you get home, tell my Friends,
the Quakers, that I am their friend, and shall be as long as
I live, and when I am laid in the ground, I hope my chil-
dren will be your friends. When we lived in Ohil, where
we could get game, I thought not worth the while to send my
children to school, and I sent none; but now we live where
we cannot get game, I want my children to go to school,
and learn to work too.

The following is an extract of the letter alluded to from
the Superintendent of the establishment, dated 12th of 7th
last, viz.: We attended the council of the Shawnese

day, and they have answered the Agent, and informed him
that, after deliberating on the subjects laid before them,
they were willing the propositions should be put exe-
cution as soon as practicable, and they have signed an a-
greement to that effect to go before conress. The Shaw-
also states, while in the council, that they had confer-
red together respecting the two Missionaries that are with
them--that they had come to the conclusion to info
them that they knew the Quakers were their friends--
when they went to move away from amongst them, they
left all, and took nothing away with them; and this they
knew that they were friends, and that the Quakers
had sent on their Teachers (pointing at Elias Newby and
myself) to learn their children, and that they wished THEM
to learn their children--that they wished (one of the Mis-
sionaries mentioned) to move his mission out amongst another
tribe of Indians; and the other, to move his mission some-
where else. They seem to put full confidence in friends doing
all they stand in need of in the way of Education. My
feelings are easier conceived than described, when I con-
sider the limited situation of our funds, the confidence the
Indians have in us, and the backward situation of our school,
and that they are dismissing the Missionaries to make way
for us. Several of the Indians have spoken to me, to know
how soon the school will commence, and appear anxious
how soon. In taking into consideration the peculiarly in-
teresting state of the concern at present, by which it ap-
pears that the objects of our concern are in a prosperous
condition as regards their agricultural pursuits--that they
are so anxious to have their children educated by Friends,
that they have dismissed the Missionaries to make way
for us--and having been, at this time, made remewedly sen-
sible of the obligations resting upon us, not only to instruct
them in the truths of the Chrisitan Religion, but also to
give them assistance in literary and agricultural pursuits;
the Committee, under a solemn consideration of the sub-
ject, unite in proposing to the Yearly Meeting, that liberal
contributions in aid of the funds be entered into, in order to
enable us to carry on this interesting and benevolent work,
with a hope that a blessing will attend our labours therein.

Signed on behalf of the Committee.
JONAH HOLE, Clerk. 9th Mo., 7th, 1837.
observing that you feel a clear inter-
est in the welfare of the Indian natives
I have copied the epistle on the report of
our Comm. which can readily be separated
before presenting to the meeting! If your field of