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Beyond Penn's Treaty

Committee on Indian Concerns Scrapbook

Page out of 220
New York 3th Mo 22. 1837 My Dear friend
Elijah Coffin

In our Meeting for Sufferings recently
held in this City a concern arose in relation to the
poor oppressed Indians of our Country. The result of which
was the appointing a Committee of inquiry into their situation, and to report
at our next Mtg. how Friends of our Yearly Meeting

can be of service to them, and particularly those west
of the Mississippi, being one of that Committee, I
was requested to ask thee for such information as
is in thy power to give, in consequence of the seperation
the funds set apart for the ameleration of the Indian
Tribes fell into the hands of the , and from
that time our Yearly Mtg has done nothing for them those
who was formerly under their care in this State
some has removed to the far West, and the re=
mainder seems to be dwindled down to a very few

The following queries I want answered as full as
is in thy power with the assistance of any other friend
or friends thee thinks proper to consult

What is the present situation of the Indian Tribes
West of the River Mississippi under the care of friends Are any of the other Tribes there cared for by Christian
Societies or by Missionaries