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Beyond Penn's Treaty

Committee on Indian Concerns Scrapbook

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are always annoyed by the very dregs of civilized
society, who are often found hanging upon the skirts
of the chiefs, and in some instances, are the associates
of the most abandoned of that unfortunate people.
From considerations of gain, others more respectable
are induced, to excite their jealousies and awaken
their apprehensions, by misrepresenting the objects of
the Government, as well as the conduct of its agents.

They advise councils, write Indian-
talks or speeches for them, which seldom, if ever
fail of betraying the feelings and vicios of the author.

Had there been no such men, the
memorial in question would never have been
heard of, not the statements it contains have been

I have the honor to be
Sir, with very great
respect Your Obt. Serv.
Signed, Oliver Forward
Hon: James Barbour.