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Beyond Penn's Treaty

Committee on Indian Concerns Scrapbook

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Speech of John Sky 9 mo 1817


helped him along across Lake M

glad to see him & all he
object of his visit. We never expect him an
happy to see us & desire us till our
women & children. has gone to
his introduction he will begin with his busi-
ness. Brothers you have been speaking to Indian
every year encoureg thim to . You
to lern Indians. to think Indians
ought to learn hunting, & take to civilizd habits
you advice to be very good. You have
encouragd nations beyond his residence &
his nations have heard of it all. This nation
think of advice very good. & they wish
to take of advice & becom industrious.

You have often told us drink is the ruin
of Indians, & they now believe it, & they
have agreed to leave drink, & become in-
dustrious. The chiefs & warriours met & con-
cluded to take advice.

We have had great many words from frds
& never had oppertuity to make &
they have now concludid to send him to
& good speech helps along, & now wishes to
have fair talk with fds & take back their

You see yr frd

& Onieda. All nations beyond here
will know ar result as well as his own. Their
warriors have agreed to become Industrious. You
have always given good advice. They now see
drink is displeas to great & Good
Spirit. they are now more than they
have been.

Brothers I mention that warriors at tone

have agreed to vecome industrious. I will
now mention some things we stand in need of.
His nation determined to let frds know
their mind. They consider advice of frds good
& with a little assistance they hope to do much
better. number of you back
if we well you would assist us. The
nation wou do better. You have told us we
should please Farm & cultivate our land. we
have begun this spring to build a saw mill.

We find upon begin many things
plows, harrows. Since we began Saw mill
warriors agreed to build it themselves. & when
ready they will let our brothers know about the Iron
works. They have endeavourd to build the
mill. The always encourgd us Indians to
prep there land. & they have agreed to help their
land & lay hold of Industry.

Brothers. perhaps you have heard that
some reports have that propositions have
been made to sell their lands. Some white
people have possesd them going to white