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Beyond Penn's Treaty

New York Yearly Meeting minutes [Indian reports extracted]

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New York

27th. The Meeting assembled according to adjournment

We find by the Minutes of our Meeting for Sufferings that
the concern of this Meeting relative to the Indians in the Western
parts of this State had been attended to by that Meeting in Company
with divers Friends appointed last Year to unite with that Meeting
on this Subject that their care and attention thereto had induced
an appointment to visset that People to inform themselves of
their situation and circumstances that the report of the Committee so
appointed claimed the attention of that Meeting and impress’d
a concern for that People that led to aprospect of some further
steps on their behalf and in an especial manner for the
discouragement of the Spirituous liqueres being introduced amongst
them but in attending to the prospect way did not open to
proceed therein for the presant – The care and labour of that
Meeting with the Friends who were united with them
therein appear to have been great and manifests their regard
to the concern and recommendation of this Meeting and it is
satisfactory to find by the information now before us that
many amongst that People have become sensible of the
sorrowful effects of the use of ardent Spirits, and their openness
to advice and council, and a renewed weight attending the
Subject at this time, our deliberations result in the appoint-
ment of a Committee to the solid Consideration & attention
to the concern of this Meeting on the Subject and that they
move forwards with care and caution as way may open
and thereto the following Friends are appointed viz
Joseph Cooper

, James Mott, Sam Bowne James Parsons Trip
Edmund Prior Thomas Wilber Sam Titus Refine Weeks
John Murray Thomas Eddy Cornelius Duel Isaac Thorne Browning
Peter Lossing Elias Hicks Richrd Mott Garret Burlis John
Walter Farrington Willis Seaman Fideman Hull Joseph
Robert Bowne Abraham Underhill & Gideon Seaman
Hugh Judge Joseph Pearsall Sam Learing Isaac Underhill
Willm Odel Silas Downing & George Embrie and the Meeting for
Sufferings is desired to give their advice and assistance of the
Committee should see occasion to call for it and to call on our
Treasurer for Money in their favour if the Meeting for Suffergs
should see it advisable –

Adjourned to the 4th hour afternoon –