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Beyond Penn's Treaty

Minutes of the Committee on Indian Concern No 1

Page out of 174

concern; the Tribes under our care have been
visited by some of our number, and such attention
and assistance afforded them as appeared to be
necessary. Having in former reports stated the
particular circumstances of the different Tribes, we do
not at this time judge it necessary to repeat the same,
except that in addition to our encouraging them in
the cultivation of their land, we have suggested to
them the advantages that would probably result from
their women's learning to spin and weave to provide
themselves with cloathing. In order to encourage
them in this very useful undertaking, we have
furnished some of the Tribes with flax & wool &
a number of wheels to make a beginning which
has succeeded beyond our expectation, and been a
means of inducing some of them to raise these
articles for themselves

Friends in England

being desirous of obtaining
information respecting the rise and progress of
this concern; and the Meeting for Sufferings in
London having requested to be furnished with