to have improved much, tho' there are a few of both
sexes, who
seem desirous of getting into more sober &
industrious habits
The Onondaga Tribe
Organization Information
thought to be the most uncivilized of the six nations
now support the Character of a sober and industrious
people; it is believed they have entirely quit the use of
Spirituous Liquors; they raise more corn than is
sufficient for their own consumption, and are
getting in the way of raising wheat & : Friends
being disposed to encourage them therein, the Committee
supplied them with two pair of Oxen, some farming
utensils & propose extending further care & occasional
assistance. Being applied to by the Shinecock
Organization Information
Tribe, residing at the east end of Long Island
Place Information
assist them in adjusting some difference that subsisted
relative to their concerns, they have been visited &
such advice & assistance have been afforded as seemed
necessary Signed by direction & on behalf
Of the Committee 5 mo 25 1812
Adjourned to 7'o'clock on fourth day evening