At a Meeting of the Committee of the Indian Concern
held 11th of 4th month 1808
, Thomas Willis, Abraham
J Underhill, and Gideon Seaman
added; and as it is desira
ble that an interview may be had with the Family
previous to their being engaged, and that another visit
may also be paid the Indians, we desire that the Commi
ttee may be encouraged to proceed in the visit as early
as way may open therefor and to extend as far as they may
be enabled a helping hand to the several Tribes who have
claimed our particular care and attention
Samuel Mott & John
Murray are appointed
to prepare an essay of a report for the Yearly Meeting, and produce
to next Meeting Meeting house
on the day of the Select Yearly Meeting
held 11th of 4th month 1808
Place Information
Present 24 Members
The Committee appointed at last Meeting relative to a School
Master, report
attention to their appointment and inform
that there is a Friend and his
Family who are willing
to undertake that charge, and also to instruct them
in the
farming business, but as they have not received an answer
the subject as was expected; they are continued to the
service, with
Benjamin Cornell
Person Information
Person Information
J Underhill
Person Information
Person Information
ble that an interview may be had with the Family
previous to their being engaged, and that another visit
may also be paid the Indians, we desire that the Commi
ttee may be encouraged to proceed in the visit as early
as way may open therefor and to extend as far as they may
be enabled a helping hand to the several Tribes who have
claimed our particular care and attention
Person Information
Person Information
Person Information
to prepare an essay of a report for the Yearly Meeting, and produce
to next Meeting
Adjourned, to meet on the 7th day Evening at 7 oclock at Pearl Street
Place Information
on the day of the Select Yearly Meeting