sensibility some of them manifest; we were induced to hope
would continue to be good examples to their brethren.
At Stockbridge
Place Information
painfully prevalent amongst the Men, consequently the pro
gress of civilization is slow. There are however a few of them,
and the Women generally in this Tribe who are careful to
avoid this pernicious practice, for whom we felt much sym
pathy, and who expressed their of the kindness ma
nifested towards them by friends with gratitude and
affection. They have two Schools amongst them both
taught by Natives; and seem disposed as well as those
of Brothertown
Place Information
that they may improve in the arts of civilized life; and
we have been united in the sentiment that the greatest
probability of our being permanently useful to this Peo
ple is from the instruction to be given the rising genera
tion. To the Oneida south settlement
Place Information
satisfactory for want of a suitable Interpreter, yet they
seemed desirous of having a School opened, but not
having expected to make any other provision for the supp
ort of a Teacher than the appropriation of two hundred Acres