two of the Committee appointed
to visit the Indians
inform that four of their number have made them a
visit; and the following is their report- Viz
Agreeable to appointment, we have paid a
visit to each of the
Indian Tribes under the particular
care of this Yearly Meeting, and
which with those at
Place Information
ing use of Spiritous liquors, and its baneful effects in
retarding their civil and religious improvement; yet not
without a consoling belief, that the labour hitherto
bestowed on this People has not been altogether vain,
and that from the residence of John Dean
Person Information
and family amongst them these is a prospect of increasing
usefulness by a continued extension of care, parti
cularly in the education of their Children, which
Thomas Dean
Person Information
yed for, as well as to be useful to them in other respects:
in both elder and younger ranks there are those
who are industrious and sober, and from the religious