have your reward, for God will reward you. I
give my
kind love to all thy friends, and tell them that the great &
Spirit is on its way to the dark corners of the Earth -- When
dear Friend? When will that happy day appear?
When the Nations will learn
War no more; for then Lion
will arise and travel, and bring forth, She will
An address from Joseph ClarkPerson Information to
When the great and good Spirit made the first Man and
Woman, He placed them
in the Garden of Eden and com-
manded them to dress it -- Thus we learn that
the Great and
Wise Author of all good, intended Man should labour
the beginning of the Creation; and we are further ins
-tructed from the
scriptures of Truth, that the Lord’s cho
sen Servants in every age were
those that laboured
For Moses was in a particular manner called of the
Most High, while he was engaged keeping his Father in
Law’s sheep, as was
also Elizher the Prophet, when he was
ploughing with twelve yoke of Oxen,
and Paul, that emi
nent Apostle informs us that he laboured with his
that he might support himself. But above all these test-
my Brothers liken be obedient to the Command
and imitate
the example of Christ, the Great Good Spirit, who
had all power in Heaven
and Earth; and once in a miracu-
lous manner fed five thousand Men besides
Women and
Children, with only two loaves, and five fish -- and not
standing afterwards gave this special Command to gather
that nothing should be lost - How clearly and
fully this shews poor frail
Man the constant necessity
of being careful of the good and things that an
all wise Providence