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Beyond Penn's Treaty

Journey into Indian Country

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it would be best not to proceed further,
therefore in the Evening returned to

. 18 miles


Got our horses Shod this Morning, and
intended to have set of homewards in
the Afternoon, but there coming up a hea-
-vy Gust of Rain and Hail, we put it by of un
until next Morning.


Set of early this Morning through
a pretty good Country, and fine Roads
to Jacksons, 18 miles, here we fed our hor-
-ses and got a second breakfast. We pass-
-ed by four large places of Worship this
Morning; and a number of good houses
and Barns, the land level and pretty
clear of stones. A Chain of Mountains
were steadily in view on our right, at ten
or miles distant; and we left newburgh

and New Windsor 8 or 10 miles to our left.
More Swamp Meadow for the last 14 miles
than for 100 before. A large proportion
of the land was sown with wheat, which
was mostly light. Not so much Rye as
further back. Thence throug good land,
thick settled, and a beautiful country to
Goshen, the County Town of Orange County.