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Beyond Penn's Treaty

Journey into Indian Country

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dywine, this was through what is called the
German flatts

. We passed through the County
Town of Hackamack, and so over the River
on a Bridge to the southside one mile be-
-fore we fed. thence 14 miles to Teevendurfs
over high, dry, Stony Land, Buildings mostly
poor, as was allso the grass and other Crops;
we now left the River at some distance to our left.
About three miles back we went by a
pretty elegant House, now occupied by
the prespeterians , it was built by William
before the French and Indian War
as a place of Worship for the Indians.

In about one Mile from after we left Teevendurff’s
having passed through a fine flat, we rode
the River which had increased much in
weadth Width, the flat still Continuing,
in one mile we left it, and passed over 6 or
7 miles of a Stony, rough, poor Country,
except some bottoms on the River, the build-
-ings also poor, then 7 or more miles, fine
bottoms loaded with grass, and various
sorts of grain; thicksettled near the River
with many good Buildings, more particu-
-larly on the south side. the latter part