Upon further Consideration we
felt most easy to return home down
Mohocks River, And about one OClock
>we took an affectionate farewell of our frd s,
having before taken leave
of the Indians,
and set off, and passed through a thick
Woods much of
it hemlock, for 7 or
8 miles, passed by wherein there were a few
settlements, lately
erected, but as we passed went on,
became more plenty, so that in a few miles
we got into a
thick settled Country, with
Large frame houses many of which were
painted; and good frame Barns, such as
would have been a Credit to an Old
Country, with fields loaded with Clover and
Timothy for
Mowing, with some fields of Wheat,
and a very good appearance of Corn, and
other Spring Crop[s]
in 17 miles we came to new
smart Town, with containing a number of good hou-
-ses, among which, was a large place of Wor-
-ship, then to the River of Fort Schuylar
4 Miles, where we passed through another
Town as large as Hartford
-ings good. here we crossed the River,
which I thought was not much larger than