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Beyond Penn's Treaty

Journey into Indian Country

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Went to Nathan Cornstalk

s 6 miles
through good land, heavily Timber’d
part of which was very fine White Oaks,
rested here untill after dinner, then
went to Abraham Lapham’s, 2 miles,
where I left my companion, and went
2 miles to Caleb Macumber’s, who
with his Wife are valuable young
friends, lately settled in these parts,
in the evening, they went with me
1½ miles to there fathers, Jeremiah –
, where we lodged, 11 miles



and his Wife went with me to Abra-
-ham Lapham’s
, this Morning, where we
stayed until after dinner, being among
kind, valuable friends, and our hor-
-ses fareing very well, render’d it an agree-
-able time. I having in company with the Com-
-mittee that went to Canada last fall, which visit friend s
here in there families, and held several Meet-
-ings amongst them, I felt great satisfaction
in being once more amongst them, and the
company of a Friend to those Remotely situated
is very Joyous more specially when such love
the Truth and are concerned to support the