4th. For every two Tons of hay raised as
aforsaid, and put into a
Stack or Barn,
not being Mowed or drawn in by white
the sum of two dollars.
5th. For every 12 Yards of linnen Cloath made
by any Indian Woman,
out of Flax raised
on her or her husbands land, and spun in
her own house the sum of two dollars, to
be paid to the Woman.
6th. For every 12 Yards of Woollen or Lindsey
Cloath, made by any
Indian Woman, out
of the Wool of her own, or her husbands
Spun in her own hourse, the sum of two
dollars, to be
paid to the Woman.
Brothers, we will give you these premiums for
four years, if our
young men stay here so
long; upon these conditions, that the person
so applying who applies, for the Premium,
must produce a
Certificate from two of the
Chiefs, signifying the quantity of
Cloath,&c for which the premium is de-
-manded; and
that it was raised or made in
the manner aforsaid above
and that the person so applying has not
intoxicated with Whiskey, at