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Beyond Penn's Treaty

Journey into Indian Country

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on about 9 Inches of the upper part; their
way of making and putting them on is, to take
a piece of Cloath perhaps 1½ Yards long
turn down the upper part as above described, which
part is spread over with Ribbons,
then Wrap it tite round them, and
tye it with a string, their shift as
mentioned, hanging the out side, such
who suckle lift up their Shirts for the Child
to get at the pap, which Conduct to those
who are unacquainted with it may look
immodest, but it is not the case, for
a Child is so suckled, and less of the
Mothers skin shown than is customa-
-ry among our farmers Wives, -

With all their tawdry and liveliness in
dress the go dirty, I thought the Women
more particularly so than the Men, per-
-haps from their working harder, and
being more among the grease, some of their shirts
don’t appear to be ever Washed, and
about their Sholders the become very
black and greesy, from their greesy
heads; their hair I have observed to be
the Cloath to wipe their greasy fingers