in, while eating their bread and
thus for want of a change of Cloaths, and
living in their dirt,
they become very
lowsy, which they try to extrecate them
-selves from, by pulling of their shifts,
turning them inside
outwards, and
hunting the Vermon with as much com-
-possure, and seemingly good grace,
as a Mother amongst us would do, in
combing one of her Children, and this
part of their dirt has not been
one of the
least of our trials, neither have we any
expectation of
leaving them, without
carrying away some breeders.
For more than two weeks past the weather
has been very dry, part of the
time a Cold
north wind, we had frost for ten Mornings
during which time we slept
in open Cabins, in our blankets, so that
sensible felt the want of more cover-
-ing, and a better Bed before
for two or three days past the weather has
been warm, with a
strong South wind.
the Woods has been much on fire dur-
-ing this dry
weather, Clouds of smoke