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Beyond Penn's Treaty

Journey into Indian Country

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Houses and Barns, a large proportion
of the land was sown with Rye; some of
the Wheat fields looked pretty well, but
in general Poor; Clover not so forward
as in my neighborhood; some beauti-
-ful Meadows, between Lancaster

this place, 30 miles


a rainy Morning, stayed under shelter until
8 O Clock, and then Crossed the River in the Rain
it is one Mile and 12 perches wide, which
a Man and horse crosses for 6d; a cheap ferry,
thence to York Town

12 miles mostly through
a Valley, perhaps 10 or more miles wide, some
beautiful Meadows made their appear-
-ance, more particularly within a few miles
of the River, and this Town, the Winter
Grain mostly Poor, though the Land appeared
to be of a good quality, and well farmed,
The town of York has an agreeable ap-
- pearance, in which there are a number
good Buildings; it is beautified by a large
stream of Water called Codoras which runs
through the Town, we dined here at a Public