number of Friends and friendly people, in and about
neighborhood, before we set out for home;
which seemed annexed to my
concern in coming
forth to this country, to attend the proposed treaty
with the Indians.
where John Parrish came to
us. Here we lodged.
Place Information
First of the week. We held a public meet-
ing, and visited a few families —
towards evening,
got to Asa Schooley's
Person Information
Person Information
us. Here we lodged.
came to us this morning — so
that we are now all together again. We went to John
Herrit's, son-in-law to Asa
Schooley, had a sitting
there and returned to Asa's — there had a solid op-
portunity with his family and the family of John
together; — after which, went to Daniel
Pound 's and lodged.
Place Information
Person Information
that we are now all together again. We went to John
Person Information
Person Information
there and returned to Asa
Person Information
portunity with his family and the family of John
Person Information
Person Information
's, which was large and favoured; at the close,
we had a select opportunity with such as profess
with Friends, a number of them being members, to
whom some interesting matters of advice were com-
municated. Upon the whole, we thought it a very
solid and profitable opportunity, many hearts being
tendered; for whom, in their lonely situation, we
were brought into near sympathy. We parted from
them in much love. John Parrish and myself
to Ezekiel Dennis's, up the side of
Lake Erie about
six miles, to point Ebino, where we were kind-
ly entertained and lodged. I think when the meet-
ing was select as above mentioned, there was in the
whole, young and old, about forty — many decent
looking young people, with innocent countenances,
were present; on account of whom I felt much con-
cern for their religious and school education.
Place Information
We held a public meeting at Joseph
Person Information
we had a select opportunity with such as profess
with Friends, a number of them being members, to
whom some interesting matters of advice were com-
municated. Upon the whole, we thought it a very
solid and profitable opportunity, many hearts being
tendered; for whom, in their lonely situation, we
were brought into near sympathy. We parted from
them in much love. John Parrish
Person Information
to Ezekiel Dennis
Person Information
six miles, to point Ebino
Place Information
ly entertained and lodged. I think when the meet-
ing was select as above mentioned, there was in the
whole, young and old, about forty — many decent
looking young people, with innocent countenances,
were present; on account of whom I felt much con-
cern for their religious and school education.