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Beyond Penn's Treaty

Joseph Moore's Journal

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Light head wind. We have thirty-one pas-
sengers on board, besides the ship's crew and ma-
rines. Provisions plenty — poultry, sheep, hogs —
and two bears belonging to captain Bunbury



We passed the mouth of Cayahoga river,
and in sight of the Looming-hills on the south shore,
land claimed and held by the Delaware Indians

. —
The light and trivial conversation on board, accom-
panied with such a degree of profanity in language
and behavior one to another, at times, was truly
distressing, though otherwise we were as comforta-
bly accommodated as the nature of our situation
would admit.


We anchored at Fort Erie

. — 23d. Rainy,
no goods or baggage could be landed, as the lake
was rough, which caused a great surf. 24th. Morn-
ing fair and calm — a great stir, hoisting out casks,
trunks, &c. The commissioners preparing to set
forward, some by water, others by land. William
and William Hartshorne, are to go with ge-
neral Lincoln
, by Ontario.Jacob Lindley is pro-
vided with a horse by the commissioners, and goes
by land; so that we are all busily engaged fixing our
baggage each in his own way, clearing off all ex-
penses for passage, &c. And truly we may say, by
this time, we became pretty much stript of the con-
tents of our purses, and a great deal of our stock of
provisions, &c. John Elliott and John Parrish went
on shore in the afternoon, to get to some Friend's
house. Jacob Lindley and myself went in the even-
ing to the house of Benjamin Willson, who had been
on board with us all the afternoon. I felt myself in
some measure, like one let out of prison. Here we
were kindly treated and lodged; proposing to visit a