Indian, who stays much with
us. He often goes out to hunt, and brings in plenty
of ducks, &c. for which he gets well paid. He ap-
pears to be a sensible man, speaks many languages
in the Indian tongue and some English. Two men
came from the other side of the river, and informed
the boats were coming from the council to invite us
to the treaty.
Felt dull and heavy in body and mind --
We have a Wyandot
Organization Information
us. He often goes out to hunt, and brings in plenty
of ducks, &c. for which he gets well paid. He ap-
pears to be a sensible man, speaks many languages
in the Indian tongue and some English. Two men
came from the other side of the river, and informed
the boats were coming from the council to invite us
to the treaty.
) they looked wild and afraid; one
of them was introduced to general Lincoln, and
handed him a message in writing, from the great
council, informing, that the several treaties at Fort
Miami, Muskingum, &c, where lands
had been ceded by two or three nations only, were
not valid, as they had no right to cede lands. And
as for the large sums of money proposed to be given
for their country, they did not want it, and a great
many of them did not know the use of it: therefore
desired it might be applied with the proposed sala-
ry, to the indemnification of the settlers north of
the Ohio. And as they supposed they were
poor people, or they would not have settled on dis-
puted lands, they now proposed that government
should give the money to them. It would be a suf-
ficient compensation to those settlers, and might in-
duce them to move quietly somewhere else, out of
the Indian country — and make the Ohio the bounda-
ry: for it was their land. And signified, as the
land to the westward was filled up, they had no-
where to repair to, and were now determined to lay
In the afternoon came two young Indian
men, (Wyandots
Organization Information
of them was introduced to general Lincoln
Person Information
handed him a message in writing, from the great
council, informing, that the several treaties at Fort
Place Information
Place Information
Place Information
had been ceded by two or three nations only, were
not valid, as they had no right to cede lands. And
as for the large sums of money proposed to be given
for their country, they did not want it, and a great
many of them did not know the use of it: therefore
desired it might be applied with the proposed sala-
ry, to the indemnification of the settlers north of
the Ohio
Place Information
poor people, or they would not have settled on dis-
puted lands, they now proposed that government
should give the money to them. It would be a suf-
ficient compensation to those settlers, and might in-
duce them to move quietly somewhere else, out of
the Indian country — and make the Ohio the bounda-
ry: for it was their land. And signified, as the
land to the westward was filled up, they had no-
where to repair to, and were now determined to lay