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Beyond Penn's Treaty

Joseph Moore's Journal

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the council, for which we are very anxious. The
season advancing, and the great distance we are
from home, together with the continued uncertainty
of succeeding, according to our wishes, in the great
business we are engaged in, accompanied with other
unpleasant circumstances, give us at times some very
disagreeable sensations. Yet on the whole, we are
preserved in a good degree of patience, still believing
our coming out was right, be the event as it may.


First of the week. No arrival from the Ra-
pids to alleviate our strong desires and anxiety to see
the Indians. With some difficulty we got to Grose

, where we held a meeting with some of its in-
habitants and divers from the main, to a good de-
gree of satisfaction. This morning, Jasper Parrish,
who had been express to Philadelphia, the second
time, arrived in the ship Ottoway, from Fort Erie,
by whom we received many letters from home.


Our anxiety and great suspense still con-
tinue. William Savery

and Jasper Parrish both
poorly. At night our rest was much disturbed by
the musketoes. We have frequent visits from small
parties of Indians, who sometimes find means to get
too much rum, and are then troublesome; otherwise
they are quiet and civil. Fresh provisions are plen-
ty here; but rate very high. Sheep from four to
six dollars, not large.


No remarkable occurrence. We are still
looking earnestly for the boats from the great In-
dian council.


This day we had the company of captain

, who returned some days ago from Nia-
. He gave the commissioners much the same