their bones in that country. As to the concessions
the commissioners
proposed making, by giving mo-
ney, they did not want it; and running a new
was but giving them a part of their own land. And
as to
disclaiming the right to all their country by
virtue of the peace made with
the king, their father,
they knew they never were conquered, and the
emption right agreed on by the British and United
concerning the purchasing of their country,
could not be binding on them;
for they supposed
they had a right to sell their lands to whom they
pleased. Upon the whole, it was received as a very
contemptible speech, by
our commissioners — which
soon appeared to be the case, as the baggage
ordered on board, and caused an alarm in our camp.
Some for safety proposed to lodge on board the ship,
and divers tents were
struck. Some went on board,
and others took to the house for safety. This
pect, all on a sudden, looked gloomy, and Friends
got together to
feel if any thing further opened for
us to do. We felt much shut up; — and
as we had
never been called into council with the commission-
ers, nor
had any public conference with the Indians,
we were obliged to bear our own
burthens, and sub-
mit the awful subject to the interposition of the
vine hand, and turn our faces homeward to our dear
friends and
connections, in hopes of reaching our
Yearly Meeting.
This evening, two runners who were despatched
three days ago, returned with
a verbal message from
the Five Nations
ward, and were moving six miles down the river to
meet us. They having all along appeared very
friendly to the United States