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Beyond Penn's Treaty

Jacob Lindley’s Account

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ship, and wanted a copy of our epistle, which we
waived, until the general assemblage at the great
Council. In the evening, had a visit from two re-
spectable, intelligent British officers, who behaved
with politeness and civility.


Had an interview with Capt. Elliott, deputy
under Col. McKee, the British superintendent of In-
dian affairs, who has been, for several weeks, enga-
ged with numerous tribes of Indians, in their coun-
cils at the rapids of Miami, preparatory to the great
Council. Elliott has great influence with the mid-
dle hostile nations of Indians, and being an intelli-
gent person, and I thought, well disposed, might be
extensively useful in promoting the desirable work
of general peace. We suggested to him, as the sup-
plies for the treaty came through his hands, to guard
against spirituous liquors being furnished. To the
propriety of which, as well as to divers other re-
marks, he assented. We received an invitation to dine
with the British officers at the mess house to-morrow.
Through the variety of company and visiters, my
mind is preserved in a quiet, humble hope, that the
Lord is preparing our way.

Here I met with a Quebec Calendar, wherein was
inserted the names, situation, and supposed number,
of such Indian nations as have hitherto been disco-
vered in North America — being as follows:

The Choctaws or Flat-heads, and the Natches —
situate on the Mobile, and Mississippi, 4500 The Chickasaws, 750 The CherokeesSouth Carolina, 2500 The Catawbas — between N. and S. Carolina, 150 The Piantias — a wandering tribe, on both sides
the Mississippi, 800