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Beyond Penn's Treaty

Jacob Lindley’s Account

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and forwarded them homeward; many of whom dis-
covered little sense of gratitude for the kindness;
yet he felt a reward, as being the friend of humanity.
At night, returned to Matthew Dobson's, where we
have taken lodgings.


Had a solid conference with David Kenne-
, a half Indian, a man of learning, and a man of
influence; having been educated in Scotland, he visit-
ed London, Jamaica, &c. He lives with the Indians,
and professes christianity; is well versed in the Scrip-
tures, and says he has initiated divers into the Chris-
tian faith, by a medium widely contrasted with our
mode. He told us, some Indians used to mock and
ridicule his going to church; but at a certain time,
he undertook to drub them severely, and ordered
them and their families to attend church in future,
or he would be under the necessity of dealing more
sharply with them. On which, they appeared the
next day of public worship, and had continued stea-
dy ever since; he supposed it the most substantial
method of making converts, as also of ending quar-
rels or disputes. To all which I opposed several
texts out of the New Testament; to the validity of
which he assented, and strongly avowed his friend-
ship for us, and promised to use his influence, in or-
der to open our way amongst the other nations of
his acquaintance, which is extensive.

We had to dine with us, a religious Dunker and his
wife, settlers hereaway, with whom we had fellow-
ship. They felt near to us; which I believe was re-
ciprocal. In the afternoon, we had a visit from Capt.
, Young Peter, and another Indian; to whom
we read Friends' address, with which they express-
ed satisfaction, renewed their professions of friend-