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Beyond Penn's Treaty

Jacob Lindley’s Account

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Jacob Lindley's Account

Of a Journey to attend the Indian Treaty, pro
-posed to be held at Sandusky in the year 1793;
interspersed with various observations remarks,
and circumstances, that occurred on this inte-
resting occasion.


As preliminary information to the reader, it may
be proper to state, that about the year 1791, a mis-
understanding existed between the United States,
and several of the Indian Tribes. On this occasion,
the Meeting for Sufferings held in Philadelphia, ad-
dressed a memorial to Congress, the object of which
was, to show the expediency of pursuing pacific
measures towards settling the disputes with the In-
dians. Their representation was well received; —
but the measures they recommended were not then
adopted; and the calamities of war still continuing to
prevail on the Western frontiers of the States,--
the Yearly Meeting held in 1792, appointed a large
Committee, to unite with the Meeting for Sufferings,
in deliberating on this momentous subject, and if
practicable, to recommend such measures, as would
be most likely to promote peace and friendship with
the Indians.

Early in the year 1793, deputies from several In-
dian Nations, visited Philadelphia, with a view of