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Beyond Penn's Treaty

Jacob Lindley’s Account

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sed an instance of a riot which happened that day
week, with a violent party of Indians: in which he
interfered, to prevent murder, but he got wounded
in the arm, with a scalping knife. He insinuated
doubts of our ever returning from Sandusky, unless
the commissioners submitted to the Indian demands,
which were very high. These were also the senti-
ments of divers persons acquainted with Indians, in
this place. All which conspired to our deep humi-
liation, and dependance on the Omnipotent Arm,
having none other to lean to.

We frequently meet Indians here, where they get
too much strong drink; in which state they discover
a very alarming, and disagreeable ferocity. Here,
are divers persons who have been prisoners amongst
them, some of whom recite shocking accounts of
their cruelty, in many instances; others speak more
favourably of their treatment. However, upon the
whole, under all the circumstances of the approach-
ing treaty, it evidently appears a serious business; and
little, if any thing, short of offering up life, by those
who attend it. We have hitherto found very few of
the natives, who have any knowledge of Friends, or
their principles.

This evening we met Col. England, and a number
of the officers, on the bank of the river; with whom
we had considerable conversation; in which, I hope,
we acknowledged, and supported the peaceable prin-
ciples of the gospel of our Lord and Saviour Jesus
Christ. They treated us on every occasion, like
gentlemen, in their way, — polite, and courteous to
strangers, at least to us. Col. England told us, he
had with much pains, and expense, procured more
than fifty prisoners from the Indians, clothed them,