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Beyond Penn's Treaty

Journal of Joshua Evans

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in need of Money, and if I did, he was willing to supply me, he said.
also unknown to me, he wrote an Order, that if at any time, whilst
in these northern parts, I should have occasion, I might draw
on him, which he would cheerfully answer. -- Finding the roads
very difficult, here I sold my waggon, & some other things, and
provided myself to ride on my mare, with the kind assistance of
Judge Cooper

& his sister; having cause to remember them both:
we had a solid, good meeting at this place, which to some, was a
tendering season.

The 25th. in the morning we left Cooper's-town

and travelled near 50 miles to Duane's-Bush; This was as try-
ing as my nature could well bear: Towards the latter part we came
to a family of poor Irish people: Here we got down to rest ourselves &
horses a little, it being very warm weather; and I much fatigued; Here tho'
not at all agreeable, I thought we must stay that night: Yet were, af-
ter after resting awhile, favour'd to reach Walter Briggs's, our desired
Place. -- The next day, had two pretty large Meetings held in
a Barn at Duanes-bush; one of which was a favour'd time; the other
more exercising, the minds of the People being outward.


We had a meeting at W. Briggs

's, in a new framed house, which was
large, & ended well; the people appearing solid. We have no cause to
murmur: we want for nothing, The Lord being good, and doth marvel-
lously open the way: Unto whom be all Glory & Praise, forever, Amen.
We now propose to go up the Mohock river; but how far, we cannot say.