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Beyond Penn's Treaty

Journal of Joshua Evans

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This W. Briggs

is a friendly man; he lives near that River.
I have been fearful on the account of some, who seem likely to ac-
quire a large Share of outward wealth, whether it will not choke
the good Seed in their minds, except great Care is taken to keep humble.


This day we rode about 25 Miles to Thomas Almey

's; and the next, had
a smallish meeting in his barn, yet very quiet: The People were
strangers to our Meetings and manner of Worship; as there never had
been a meeting of the kind here before; and I believe this did not
cause any dishonour to the cause of Truth: I am now in a
poor state of health; but with kind friends, resting a little; and feel
my mind very calm: resigned to the divine Will.

7th. mo 1st.

Travelling near 50 miles towards Whitstown

, pretty comfort-
ably, we reached that place on the 2nd before noon. There I met
with my neighbor J. Cooper, & other friends appointed to visit the
Indians: And finding freedom to join them, we went in Company
that afternoon to an Indian Settlement called Brotherton: I under-
stand the number of these Indians is about 200, They have Cows,
Horses, Oxen &c: and hold as yet a Tract of good Land, about ten thou-
sand acres, and have an yearly income paid by New-York Go-
vernment of 2000 dollars for Lands sold thereto. ---
We were comfortably entertained by an Indian named George
; this is a kind family, speaking our language, and we find their daugh-
ter can read and write pretty well.

As I have from my young years, been friendly disposed towards
the Native owners of our American Lands, and especially since Reli-
gion began to have place in my mind, have been often concerned on ac-