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Beyond Penn's Treaty

Some Account of a Visit

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Some preparations makeing towards
leaveing our friends tomorrow --

With respect to the Indians improve
ment in the general, it appears from
our obsevation and the account of our
friends here that they continue to perseve-re
in habits of industry - near 100 new
houses have been built since the commit-
-tee visited them three years ago most of
them well put up with hewn Logs -
very neatly notcht in at the Corners --
many of them cover'd with shingles
& have pannel Doors and Glass Windows
and the houses kept much cleaner than
formerly so that an evident Change in
this respect has taken place since our
women came among them --

Their farms are enclos'd under good
fence from 8 to 10 rails high, and more
detatch'd from each other than formerly --
a much greater proportion of Corn plan-
ted this season then has been known
before which generally looks well --

Many of them have rais'd Wheat & Oats --
Several have raisd flax and we saw some
buckwheat growing, besides Potatoes, Turnips