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Beyond Penn's Treaty

Some Account of a Visit

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and he is pleas'd when people give
one another victuals when they go to their
houses whether they are hungry or not
we think when our people go to the Mill,
and get hungry, your friends ought to
feed them, or when Indians come from
other Towns they ought also to feed them
this would be pleasing to us, as this is
the custom among ourselves --

We have now told you our minds
plainly because you told us so many
good things since you came to see us --

John Pierce

then arose and made
the following speech

I have a few words to say --
what I am going to say is about the
great Spirit, as you told us a great
deal about it yesterday, and it has sunk
deep in my mind -- We are poor
and ought to be pitied - I us'd to have ma-
ny bad tricks but have concluded to quit
them and try to instruct others -- I know
what Ideas the Quakers have, they are always