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Beyond Penn's Treaty

Some Account of a Visit

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farm -- He is setled some distance from
the River in the woods by himself --
and hath a neat little house built
with a Pannel Door and Jack windows
on a stately eminence at the head of
a rich flat, and hath made a beginning
to Clear land -- We return'd to the
cold Spring

about twelve Oclock and
found the Indians in Counsel --In about
an hour after they called us into the
Counsel room, and after being seated
one of the Chiefs call'd Mush stood
up and spoke to us nearly as follows,

When your young men came
first to live amongst us they saw we
were poor, they took pity upon us,
and they told us they came to assist
us -- At first we did not fully under-
-stand what your intentions were, but
after consulting among ourselves we
thought it was, a great thing that you
should come to live amongst us, to
instruct us, being more than white
people had ever done before. and we
concluded to try you one, or five years