their ancient
mode of living than some others
Possessing a vast extent of country
which abounds in
wild animals upon which they have been
to feed, they are under less necessity of resorting
agriculture, than those tribes which are surrounded by
settlement of white people, nevertheless upon a
review of the
progress made towards the accomplishment
of the object of their
appointment, the committee believe
there is cause of encouragement
for Friends to persevere
in this truly laudable and interesting work
and that
although they may still have discouragements
difficulties to encounter, yet they trust the work is
gressing and that their labours will ultimately succeed
present 14 members
The sub committee were desired to write
to our members west of the mountains
& Request
them to engage a person to compleat the Mills
will admit in the Spring and also to desire them
to forward on to the committee the amount
and items of expence incured, and to engage
a suitable person who will remain at the
settlement to take charge of the Mills when
completed and instruct the Indians in the
management of them, and give them such advice
& assistance in their agriculture as may appear
Then adjourned