The following report to the Yearly
Meeting was agreed on
The Committee appointed on Indian Concerns have agreed to in-
that since our report of last year, we have continued our
tion to the object of our appointment. No opening having
to renew our efforts in favour of the Indians residing at
Dennis's Sta-
of Shawaneese
hickon-John's Lake
Agreeably to the prospect held up in our last report, a
from our number have made a visit to the settlement at
iously desirous to receive assistance from Friends ; and particularly
to be aided in putting up a Grist and Saw Mill at their town. Upon
examining the seat, it was found not to be so eligible as one could
have been desired ; but, as it appeared to be the best in that neighbour-
hood, it was finally concluded to erect a Grist and Saw Mill there.
Workmen have accordingly been engaged, and are now employed in
erecting them, under the personal superintendence of one of our Com-
mittee, by whom we are informed, that it is expected they will both be
completed in the course of the present season. We may also inform,
that the accounts which have reached us from these Indians, represent
them as generally industrious, and disposed to cultivate their lands ;
divers of them having already been cleared and in cultivation, as much
ground as furnishes an abundant sufficiency of grain for the use of
their own families. And it is hoped that when their Mills shall have
been completed, this disposition will more generally spread amongst
Another deputation from our Committee have also made a visit to
before mentioned settlements of Delawares
dians industriously disposed, and earnestly desirous of receiving some
assistance from Friends. They were accordingly furnished with such
implements of husbandry as their situation appeared to require, and a
young man of our Society, of exemplary habits, was procured, who re-
sided several months with them, and assisted them in preparing their
tools, and putting in their crops. Several of them have learned to
plough their lands ; and it is hoped that the assistance already furnish-
ed will be of essential service to them.
We may further add, that the late disturbances amongst the Shawa-
operations, have nearly subsided.
Upon examining the Treasurer's Accounts, we find balance in his
of 1287 dollars 53 cents, exclusive of the principal of the
nation from our Brethren of Great
accruing in the improvements at Wapakonetta
drawn for. Signed on behalf of the Committee.
Philip E Thomas, Clerk.
Then adjourned to the 28th Inst.
when the
Committee again met present 16 members
It being expected that the Grist & Saw
Mills which were undertaken to be
put up
for the use of the settlement of Indians
at Waupaukanetta
with in the course of the present season