At a Meeting of the Committee on
Indian concerns 5 mo 20 1811 on behalf of the
appointed to extend assistance to the settle
ment of Delaware Indians near Mohicken
Johns Lake informed that a visit had been
made to them and they furnished with 12
axes 25 Hoes 6 mattocks 4 pair plow Irons 8 sett
of Gears Swingle Tree Irons & Devices for each &
2 log chains, and that a young man had
been employed to remain amongst them
during the present season for the purpose of
making plows &c. for them, and instructing &
assisting them in the cultivation of their lands.
He also informed that the Indians at these
Towns appear industrious and much disposed to
turn their attention towards agriculture, yet it
was apprehended that the efforts of Friends for
their benefit of these Indians would be greatly
frustrated and the good disposition of these people
be perverted by some evil disposed white persons
who had settled near them and who were in the
practice of furnishing them illegally with spirit
ous liquors. After deliberate consideration it was
unitedly concluded that a deputation from
those of our committee who reside west of the
mountains be appointed to take an opportunity
with the Presiding Judge of the District in which
Indian concerns 5 mo 20 1811
present 8 members
Person Information
appointed to extend assistance to the settle
ment of Delaware
Organization Information
Johns Lake
Place Information
made to them and they furnished with 12
axes 25 Hoes 6 mattocks 4 pair plow Irons 8 sett
of Gears Swingle Tree Irons & Devices for each &
2 log chains, and that a young man had
been employed to remain amongst them
during the present season for the purpose of
making plows &c. for them, and instructing &
assisting them in the cultivation of their lands.
He also informed that the Indians at these
Towns appear industrious and much disposed to
turn their attention towards agriculture, yet it
was apprehended that the efforts of Friends for
their benefit of these Indians would be greatly
frustrated and the good disposition of these people
be perverted by some evil disposed white persons
who had settled near them and who were in the
practice of furnishing them illegally with spirit
ous liquors. After deliberate consideration it was
unitedly concluded that a deputation from
those of our committee who reside west of the
mountains be appointed to take an opportunity
with the Presiding Judge of the District in which