discouragements which you have
had to encounter
Brothers! I believed the building of a mill was the
best thing you
can do for my people, I have therefore
asked it of you; I think it
will encourage them to
raise large crops of corn & perhaps
wheat, and it will
certainly afford a great convenience to those
reside in the neighbourhood of my Village
Brothers! I cannot omit again expressing to you my
thanks- I shall
carry your words home & repeat
them to my people.
He then retired
1 mo 5 1809
At a Meeting of the committee on Indian
concerns present 12 members a chief of the Mohickeny
Tribe of Indians attended & informed the committee
that he had requested the present opportunity
with them in order to solicit assistance
& advice in the business which had occasioned
his present visit to those parts, he then commini
cated an interesting account of the present
situation & disposition of those Indians who
reside on White river of his future prospects
in regard to them and informed that a part
of those Indians consisted of the scattered remains
of the Nanticokes who he said still possessed
certain Lands on the Eastern Shore of this State
which it was their desire might be disposed of
Place Information
At a Meeting of the committee on Indian
concerns present 12 members
Person Information
Organization Information
Tribe of Indians attended & informed the committee
that he had requested the present opportunity
with them in order to solicit assistance
& advice in the business which had occasioned
his present visit to those parts, he then commini
cated an interesting account of the present
situation & disposition of those Indians who
reside on White river
Place Information
in regard to them and informed that a part
of those Indians consisted of the scattered remains
of the Nanticokes
Organization Information
certain Lands on the Eastern Shore of this State
Place Information
which it was their desire might be disposed of