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Beyond Penn's Treaty

Baltimore Yearly Meeting Indian Committee Minutes

Page out of 262

to remove a small distance out of the
Village in order to have separate fields and
better opportunity of raising stock they con
templated assisting them in building houses
for that purpose as soon as the crop
would be in a situation to admit of it
-our young men also inform that 2 of
the Indians had been induced to cultivate
their lands by the plough & that they believed
the late Visit made to them by friends
had been useful to them. Their prin
cipal chief observed that he loved friends
in his heart for the love they manifested
to the Indians

We have examined the Treasurer
acct. and find an unexpended balance
in his hands of $265 36/100 exclusive of
the donation recd. from our brethren of
Great Britain

Signed on behalf of the
Philip E Thomas Ck

P.S. we are free to inform the Yearly
Meeting that we apprehend an advantage
would arise from an addition to our members
which we submit to the Meeting

Then adjourned to meet on the evening
of the 13th Inst. at the 7th hour in the evening