Brothers remember as we have before said
we want nothing from you for
our services. We dont
want any of your lands.
Brothers there is
one thing more which we
cannot omit mentioning to you, It is
spiritous liquors. We intreat it of you not to
any of that pernicious article to be brought
into your Towns. For we
conceive it to be one of the
greatest evils that ever was
introduced into the World
Brothers many of the Red people as well as
the white, have lost their
lives by making use of it
It will destroy your health it will
destroy your senses
And it will disqualify you doing all good
For these reasons Brothers we hope you will
discontinue the use of
Brothers we expect some of our friends will
be at your Villages this
summer for the purpose of
seeing your situation, And giving you good
If you should see them, we hope you will make them
comfortable as you can
Evan Thomas
near fort Wayne
Brother We have prevailed on our Brothers Elisha
and take you by the hands on our behalf. they will
have a long distance to travel but we hope they will be
able to give you such advice as will if attended to be of
great service to you and that you will make their