prospect of Corn,
Beans, Pumpkins, Potatoes
Hemp, Tobacco and a number of
Vegetables- They also inform that they have
assisted many
of the Indians in rendering
their houses more comfortable &
plowed &
assisted in planting one field of Corn
for them –
likewise made &furnished several
ploughs to them, They further
that they had commenced clearing land
& built a House
for their own accommodation
on a spot pointed out by one of
and near to spring of Good water
They likewise add that the Indians
at one of the neighbouring
Villages have
planted a large field of Corn Potatoes &
garden Vegetables, without much
assistance or the use of Ploughs
& at another
Villages near 30 acres, which was ploughed
by a white man- The Indians at both
there Villages have amongst them
a considerable
number of Horses, Cattle & a great
of Hogs
A letter has also been received
from the Indian agent at Fort Wayne
ing that our young men at Dennis Station
had conducted themselves with great propriety
were good Examples of industry & sobriety
to the Indians ad had a very promising crop
coming forward