We believe your intentions towards your red
are good, for which we are thankful to you; we hope
the Great Spirit will continue it in your hearts, to
your red brethren, who are at this time much in want
of your
We received with pleasure the implements of
you sent us; we have endeavoured to use them but
we have not
been able to make right use of them, for want
of some person
to teach us how they are used.
You are come amongst us as it were this morning,
the sun has
not yet risen to 12 o’clock; you have not stayed
all night with us.
The families you have visited amongst us,
are well pleased with
you, and confidently receive you as
their brothers: we therefore,
hope you will continue amongst
us, as we believe our attachment
will increase with the time
you are with us.
The committee have lately received another letter from
the Indian
agent, in which he says that the Indians
Dennis’s Station
eighteen miles north of Dennis’s Station, are advancing towards
civilization, exceeding all that could have been expected.
We have examined the treasurer’s accompts, and find in his hands
dollars and 41 cents.
The committee, in concluding their report, are
free to observe,
that upon a review of the progress made towards the
ment of the object of their appointment, there appears
to be great
cause of encouragement for Friends to persevere in this
truly lauda-
ble and interesting concern, which has prospered,
beyond the expec-
tations of Friends, at the time they first engaged
in the undertak-
ing: and clearly demonstrates to the discerning
mind, that it
hath indeed been divinely owned; and no discouragement
or ob-
straction now appearing, but the want of funds, the
affectionately address themselves to the feelings of
Friends. They
deem it not improper to remind them that the soil,
from which,
through the mercy and goodness of Divine Providence, we
so many comforts and blessings, was once the inheritance of
people. A small part of the abundance with which we are
would, if rightly applied at the present time, be the means
of ad-
ministering great comfort and advantage to them; and it is
important, that the present favourable crisis should be
for if an opinion were to obtain amongst them, that
Friends are
withdrawing their aid, they may become discouraged, and
to their former mode of living for support, and thereby
become plunged into that poverty and wretchedness, from
by the aid of the Friends, they are just emerging. The
therefore fell themselves warranted in saying, that they
believe, the
very existence of nations may depend upon the part we
now act in
this business; they also consider, that the reputation of
society is
deeply interested in the active prosecution of the
concern; and
feel an earnest desire, that if the meeting should see
it right to
continue them, Friends may be stimulated to more
liberality, as it
is altogether impracticable for the committee to
continue their ex-
ertions without the aid of additional funds.
Evan Thomas
It appears by a minute of the Yearly Meeting
that Philip Dennis