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Beyond Penn's Treaty

Baltimore Yearly Meeting Indian Committee Minutes

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The following friends were appointed to examine
the Treasurers account and prepare a report to the
yearly Meeting now acting and produce it to the
next meeting of the committee to wit Geo. Ellicott

Jonathan Jessop David Grave Asa Moore
Wm Kirk &PE Thomas
then adjourned to tomorrow
evening at the 7th Hour

10 mo 16 1806

The committee again met, when
the friends appointed produced the following report

This report is tipped-in TO THE

We, the Committee on Indian Concerns, inform, that since our
last report we have, agreeably to the liberty given us, published
narrative of our proceedings, which has been distributed amongst
Friends. We further inform, that a letter has been received from
the Indian agent at Fort-Wayne

, dated the Fifth of the Tenth
month, 1805, in which he says,
Agreeably to the directions of the Committee, I have employ-
ed a man to assist the Indians in cultivating the field on the Wa-
bash, which was cleared and cultivated by Philip Dennis last
year. The Indians, with this man’s assistance, have raised, it is
supposed, at least six-hundred bushels of good Corn from this
field, exclusive of what they have raised from the ground of their own
clearing. Many of the Eel River and Weas Indians have removed
and settled at that place, where they will be followed by the
younger branches of their tribes in the ensuing spring.

He adds, Believing as I do, that the Society of Friends are
desirous of ameliorating the situation of their red brethren in this
country, I will take the liberty to observe, that the present is a
very favourable time to put in execution, their benevolent views,
and that much good may be done on the Wabash by sending one
or two suitable men to reside amongst the Indians, in order to
teach them how to raise stock and cultivate the earth: Witness
what Philip Dennis

effected amongst them the last year. At a
Station where he had every thing to begin, there are now at
least four hundred Hogs and twenty Cows, and at no village in
this country, do the Indians live as comfortably as at that place.
If this spirit of industry is kept alive for a few years, it will cer-
tainly have a powerful influence upon the minds of the Indians, at
many of the neighboring villages.

The Committee, after deliberate consideration, were united in senti-
ment, that it would be proper to procure one or two young men to re-
side among the Indians at Dennis’s Station

. William Kirk and his bro-
ther Mahlon were accordingly engaged, who arrived at the station on
the 25th of the Fourth Month last. William has just returned, having
left his brother among the Indians, and has given us the following in-
formation: That they had planted twelve acres of Indian corn,
on the land already cleared; after which they enclosed eight acres
more; in six of which they cultivated Potatoes, Hemp, Flax,
Tobacco and Timothy, together with a variety of Garden Vege-
tables; that their crop of Corn, was likely to produce, at least fif-
ty bushels per acre; and that they should have one hundred bush-
els of Potatoes, and many more Garden Vegetables than would be
sufficient for their own use, which would be distributed amongst
the Indians; they have also erected a stable, 16 by 18 feet, and
assisted the Indians in building three houses. He further informs,